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- Support for Ordering
Support for ordering
How do I place an order?
- Log in to your Hilti account
- Add items to shopping cart by navigating through products, using the search box, or using the quick item number entry in the shopping cart
- Click checkout bottom right of screen
- Select or add new shipping address using the “change/add” link if needed, or select ship to a store
- Verify delivery contact and use change/add link if needed.
- Select preferred shipping method, Saver, Standard, Air priority etc. and click continue
- Enter credit card/eCheck information or select invoice if you have a terms account.
- Enter purchase order number or if your company doesn’t use purchase orders, use a job name or other reference. Click continue.
- Review information in order summary screen, expected delivery date and product availability. Note: Check availability options shown in previous screens may not be accurate.
- Click submit order. “Thank you for your order message” displays and an order confirmation email is sent.
How do I create a quote?
- Log in to your Hilti account
- Add items to shopping cart by navigating through products, using the search box, or using the quick item number entry in the shopping cart
- Click create a quotation
- Select or add new shipping address using the “change/add” link if needed, or select ship to a store
- Verify delivery contact and use change/add link if needed.
- Select preferred shipping method, Saver, Standard, Air priority etc. and click continue
- Enter purchase order number or if your company doesn’t use purchase orders, use a job name or other reference. Click continue.
- Review information in quotation summary screen, expected delivery date and product availability. Note: Check availability options shown in previous screens may not be accurate.
- Click submit quote. “Thank you for your quotation message” displays and a quote confirmation email is sent.
How do I convert a quote into an order
- Log in to your Hilti account
- Navigate to “Quotes” link under My documents on the dashboard
- Click on the quote number you want o convert.
- Check purchase order number and requested delivery date, changing if needed.
- Click quick convert or convert with changes if you need to modify delivery address, delivery contact, or shipping method.
- Click submit order. “Thank you for your order message” displays and an order confirmation email is sent.
How do I view order history
- Log in to your Hilti account
- Navigate to “Orders” link under My documents on the dashboard
- Orders can be filtered by order type, purchase, Fleet, repairs, tools on demand, etc.
- Use advanced filters, top right, to further narrow search by ship to address, order status, creation date and more.
- Use customize columns, top right, to select preferred list view
- Click into order number or 3 dots to the right to view order details, reorder, or request a copy of invoice.
How do I request a copy of an invoice?
There are several different ways to request a copy of an invoice -
- Log in to your Hilti account. Go to My documents on the dashboard, click request a copy of invoice link. Select box(es) next to the order/s needing invoice copies, click request copy of invoice button, bottom right. Or click the 3 dots in the far-right column next to the order and select request copy of invoice.
- Log in to your Hilti account. Click PayCenter under My Documents on the dashboard. Click on the invoice number to view the invoice and then click the print or download icon. Invoices can be located by typing the number into the top right search box if there is a long list.
- From the home screen, click 3rd tab, Support and Downloads. Under information, select Billing, Invoicing and Payment link. Click request an invoice and fill out the online form. You do not need to have an online account for this option.
How do I track an order?
- Log in to your Hilti account
- Go to the orders list and select the order. View order status on order information tab and click track shipment button, bottom right, to view tracking information on carrier website.
- To opt-in to receive SMS notifications for UPS delivery updates, text YES to 48515 using the phone number associated with your Hilti account.
How do I reprint a delivery note?
- Log in to your Hilti account
- Go to the orders list and select the order. Go to track shipments tab and the resend delivery note link will be displayed after the order has shipped.